Why The 2nd Amendment Should Not Be Repealed

Gun control became an issue when mass shootings and school shootings began to occur more frequently and to become a global problem. The idea of repealing Second Amendment is a popular one among Americans. We shouldn’t repeal it for many reasons. These include but aren’t limited to the fact that citizens can protect themselves, gun controls don’t work and killers always find ways to kill. Second Amendment supporters argue that law abiding citizens should have the right to self-protection. Some people live on the edge of society and require protection. Crime is not uncommon in places where people are comfortable. Erich Pratt believes that “…where citizens have the ability to defend themselves, it is a different situation. It is clear that two mass shootings have been avoided by law abiding citizens who concealed their firearms. Law-abiding citizens who had concealed firearms with them would have saved more lives and prevented more tragedies. Erich Pratt stated that “Gun-free Zones are Magnets for Killers.” Take into consideration that almost 98 % of all public mass shootings happen in these mandatory zones. It’s true that in some areas, firearms are not needed and no guns should be carried there. However, our modern world requires that we be cautious with each step or risk death. It’s just how modern day society works. Nothing has worked to solve the problem of mass and school shootings. If tighter gun controls haven’t worked, repealing Second Amendment also won’t work because people will just use other methods to continue doing this. Erich Pratt said “never mind the fact that the Wednesday shooting took place in an area that imposes the strictest firearm laws in the US…none these draconian limitations stopped Wednesday shooter.” Gun control is rated lower in some states than others. This is a fact. In this controversial argument, the third and last point is that no matter how we act, criminals will still find a means to murder others. Even if they cannot obtain a firearm, killers will find a way to kill others. There will always be a way to harm others, no matter what. Erich Pratt says, “We’ll never be able to rid ourselves of this basic problem. Bad guys with bad intent will always have some sort of weapon” that they can use for violence. The intent to kill will never change. According to oxplore.org “…, not having a gun would probably not stop them from killing. It would only force them to use another weapon. Most mass killers are not motivated to kill by the mere chance of finding a firearm. They do so for other reasons. If used wrongly, they can be extremely harmful. They are also capable of killing other people. But nobody seems to care. You can die in an instant from a car trip. We would be left with nothing if we removed everything that could possibly harm us. Guns are just as useful and practical as the kitchen knives or cars you use every day. They provide us with food, they keep us safe. Yes, guns can be dangerous when used incorrectly but the bigger picture is that they are not harmful. Gun control is said to solve everything, and make it harder for people to obtain guns. There are also those who say that it will lower the number of US deaths. The killers of the past have used suicide bombings as well as hijacked planes to cause deaths. Erich Pratt states, “This also includes the use of a truck in New York City to kill 8 and injure 11, or the use of box cutters or knifes to murder around 3,000 on September 11. USA TODAY’s Editorial Board is focusing on only one weapon – the firearm. There are many other ways that people can kill people. The problem is not just guns. John Kennedy stated that “the solution to mass murders does not lie in trampling on the Second Amendment and restricting the access of law-abiding people to guns.” It would be the same as repealing First Amendment due to a few unreliable journalists making up stories. We don’t need stricter gun laws. We should enforce the existing laws with more vigor. We need to have authorities who will actually act when there are red flags raised. I totally agree because this is true. The First Amendment would not be repealed because some people make up a few false stories. Millions of people in the entire world are doing this, yet we do nothing about it. The repeal of the Second Amendment will bring about many issues, as I’ve stated in this article. Many people believe that this will eliminate all gun-related deaths. Or people will stop killing. Although there are many gun owners in the United States, some have more than a single weapon, people will still choose to purchase a new firearm or continue using their current one. I don’t think that the Second Amendment should ever be repealed.


  • isabellegallagher

    Isabelle Gallagher is a 36-year-old educational blogger and volunteer and student. She loves to share her knowledge and experiences through her writings, and she is passionate about helping others learn and grow. Isabelle has a degree in English from the University of Edinburgh, and she is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Education at the University of Edinburgh.

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